Back in ancient times, myths had a function. They weren’t really true stories, but they were intended to inspire people and teach them important principles. In our modern Internet age, however, myths are more often factually incorrect stories that cause damage when they are passed along or “shared.” This happens because the falsehoods these myths spread prevent people from seeking the medical care they need.
Few areas of specialization are as rife with myths as vein disease and its treatment. This is a tragedy, because vein disease affects over 25% of Americans. Yet only a fraction of them seek treatment.
Why? Because people believe the myths they’ve heard from friends or on the Internet to be true. They’re not. In this article, the vein disease treatment experts at CICC provide a few facts to counter this misinformation and clear up the myths.
What are the most common myths about vein disease and its treatment?
- Varicose veins and other vein problems only affect the elderly.. This is not true. Varicose veins and spider veins are very common in women in their 20s and 30s, especially if they have given birth.
- Vein disease is “only a woman’s problem.” This is another complete untruth. Sadly, this myth keeps many men (45% of men over 60 have varicose veins) from seeking treatment.
- Vein disease isn’t a “real disease.” This is one of the myths we hear most often. New patients tell us they’ve delayed seeking vein treatment for so long because they believe their varicose veins are merely a “cosmetic problem”. They believe that there is no need to seek treatment for them. This myth is dangerously untrue. Vein disease can cause pain and disability.
- Vein disease is limited to varicose veins and spider veins, and isn’t serious. This is another dangerous myth. One form of vein disease – deep vein thrombosis or DVT – causes over 300,000 deaths per year.
- Vein disease treatment isn’t necessary. Sadly, the myths have convinced many people to believe they can ignore their varicose veins and other vein disease symptoms. This is false, because untreated veins don’t “get better on their own,” they get worse.
- Varicose vein removal is painful and time-consuming. Both of these myths may have been true in the past, but they’re not now. Modern vein disease treatment is minimally invasive, which means that it’s no more painful than getting a flu shot. And it isn’t time-consuming. You can literally walk into a vein specialist’s offices, have your veins treated, and walk out about an hour later. Also, there is no “recovery time” needed these days because there is nothing to recover from.
The truth about vein disease is that it is very much a real disease. There are valid medical reasons why you should seek vein disease treatment. The screenings we use to detect vein disease are non-invasive and painless and take only about an hour. And if problems are found, they can often be eliminated in about the same amount of time, painlessly, and with no need to go to a hospital.
So don’t risk your health by believing the myths you hear about vein disease treatment. Instead, schedule an appointment and get the real facts from the vein specialists at Comprehensive Interventional Care Centers. We have CICC locations in Arizona, New Mexico, Oregon, and Utah, so pick up your phone and call today.