What do long plane rides, being trapped at your desk for hours on end and road trips all have in common? While not a place you want to be stuck with a screaming baby is correct, they also put you at risk for DVT. DVT is a deep vein thrombosis, or blood clot, and it’s...
How would you react if someone told you that they can radically improve your overall quality of life? What if they could eliminate the chronic pain and tiredness in your legs? Sounds pretty unbelievable, doesn’t it? If you have varicose veins and you’ve...
Congratulations! If you were attracted to the title of this article, chances are you have finally “had it up to here” with trying to “live with” your varicose veins. You are ready to do something about them. You have endured unattractive...
Leading varicose vein expert, Dr. Karen Garby, at CiC Tempe, tells us there is a phrase she hears A LOT in her introductory consultations with her patients. People come into CiC complaining of chronic leg pain with swollen and achy legs, wondering what causes these...
If someone were to ask you to name the most important “breakthroughs” in medical science in the last few decades, what would you answer? If you are old enough to remember polio and smallpox, you might consider the elimination of those diseases important....
Medical science keeps advancing, and that’s a good thing. As doctors in the best vascular clinic in Tempe and Sun City, we work with these advances every day. The vein disease treatment options we offer our patients are light years ahead of the treatments...